Screen Acting | Years 11-14 | One Year Course

This course introduces specific acting terminology and refines techniques in improvisation. Students learn about and build skills in making choices and making changes in acting. Students are introduced to constructive critique to help begin recognising barriers, habits and challenges, and apply ‘changes and choices’ as tools towards overcoming these.



Introduces specific acting terminology and refines techniques in improvisation. Introduces ‘changes and choice’ through improvisation. Introduces 6th W – Wants. Revises and adds to scene creation tools with the 5 P’s (people, place, problem, props and physical purpose). Encourages students to identify their own goals for the semester, as well as to begin approaching acting as a craft.


Builds upon the actor’s abilities to demonstrate choices and changes in improvisation and apply these improvisation skills to story and character. Actors work as a team to create and develop short films using the 5 P’s and explore changes in character through the story. Actors create the story in Term 3, then in Term 4, it’s production term! Actors perform in one film and work behind the camera on the other as crew. The films are shown on the big screen at Premiere Night in March the following year.

After completing Intermediate Level Prep students graduate and move into Intermediate Year 1, bypassing the placement audition process. 



Tuesday ILP 5-7pm, Instuctor: Jack

Course Structure

Weekly 2-Hour Classes in 4 10-Week Terms

Term fees $400 / term

  • Terms 1-2: Regular class expanding improv toolbox, exploring story structure.
  • Term 3: Begin final story ideas and rehearsals for Term 4.
  • Term 4: ‘Production Term’ – each week the students film their end-of-year film.

*Because of this we can accept new enrollments as late as Term 3 but not in Term 4.

Zombie Movie: The Movie

2022 ILP Screen Acting end-of-year-film.

Spy Test

2022 ILP Screen Acting end-of-year-production.

The Golden Goose

2021 ILP Screen Acting end-of-year-production.

“My daughter has loved every single class or workshop she has done at Filmbites. All of the staff are so welcoming and friendly and the training is tailored in a way that the kids think they are just having fun without realising the skills they are learning along the way. I would highly recommend the team at Filmbites”

-Trish Garnett, parent

“This is a rich resource for students to develop skills while learning screen acting, mask making or green screening and more. The instructors make an exciting and safe environment to unleash creativity!”

-Donna Wilson, PEAC Coordinator

“We love Filmbites. My son has delved into a world of creativity and imagination and has thrived with the fabulous teachers. I highly recommend them.”

-Bree Anderson, parent

“Filmbites is a terrific place that continues to be a constant source of help as I figure my way into the filmmaking industry. I grew up learning screen acting with them and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made. With their support and consistent aid in giving me valuable experience, I was able to dive into the world of filmmaking at an early age. Without them I’d still be years away from being able to live out my passion.”

-Trenton B, student