Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions


Since 2003 Filmbites has been honing our capacity to teach young people. “The Filmbites Way” is to offer a nurturing environment, where creativity can thrive! Our curriculum and classes are designed to suit specific ages and skill levels, therefore providing our students with the very best learning experience and outcomes.


Yes! We recommend you attend a holiday workshop to get a feel for our classes. (Some holiday classes include a discount off your term fee for those who sign up after attending a holiday class). Alternatively you can book a trial of a term class, usually up to week 3 of each term (excl. Term 4), if a place is available. For Short Stuff, Beginner and Intermediate Level Preparation classes, these can be booked online.


For some younger, beginner level classes, enrolments are open until week 3 of each term, excl. Term 4, when students start preparing their story and characters for Term 4 (production term). For our Intermediate, Junior Professionals, Junior Industry, Advanced and Intensive Screen Acting classes, students must have commenced by Week 3 of Term 1. Please see details about applying for these classes here.


All students (excl. Game Design) receive a free student ticket to Filmbites’ Premiere Night, where all student productions are screened for family and friends at Greater Union Morley. Students are also given a log in to the Filmbites Streaming Service. Our online streaming service which shows all our Filmbites films across all level classes.


Our main studio is at Unit 6, 31 Oxleigh Drive, Malaga.

We also run classes at the Fremantle Chamber of Commerce and John Wellard Community Centre in Kwinana. 


We generally run on 4 x 10 week terms in parrallell with the WA Education Department terms. Sometimes this results in 9 or 11 week terms, and the fees adjusted accordingly. Please see our timetable/enrolment page for details of upcoming dates.


Filmbites Talent Agency is connected to the screen academy, but it is not the same thing. Taking acting classes does not garuantee representation with the agency. Students who show promise and commitment, and importantly, express an interest in being represented – can be offered representation from Hallie. If you were intersted in being represented by Filmbites Talent Agency, please email or head to the website.

More Information


We have a no refund policy for Term Fee’s. Because of our smaller classes and capped numbers, once you enroll in a class we hold that spot for you. We cannot offer a refund, especially once Term has started. We do not adjust term fee’s for taking weeks off. 


Filmbites Covid-19 Policy FAQ


Our goal is to maintain Filmbites’ high standard of training, and in order to do so, we’ll need to work together as a community to keep each other safe through these challenging times. By following health and safety protocol and guidelines, we share the responsibility of ensuring the Arts Industry’s continued growth as well as the opportunities it provides for our students. Thank you for your support, we look forward to a fun, fruitful and creative year ahead!

16 years and over:

  • are required to be fully vaccinated* and wear a suitable, well fitted mask while attending Filmbites classes (Malaga or Offsite). Please send your Proof of Vaccination to BEFORE your first class of term 1. 

12-15 years:

  • are required to wear a suitable, well fitted mask while attending Filmbites.

Under 12 years:

  • are encouraged to wear a suitable, well fitted mask  while attending Filmbites. Filmbites though will align itself with mask rules for primary school as they are adjusted.

Parents & Visitors:

  • As there is limited space to social distance inside we ask that all parents wait outside (where possible) for pick up and drop off. All visitors are required to sign in with QR and wear masks while inside. 
  • For all non-essential enquiries, please call.


  • Masks may be removed so that students can eat or drink comfortably, and while performing as directed by their Instructors.
  • Class breaks will be staggered to encourage social distancing and air purifiers will be placed throughout the building.
  • Hand sanitiser has been provided for use when entering and when exiting the building.
  • Keep a physical distance of at least 1.5 metres from others.
  • Bring personal snacks and water bottles as sharing of popcorn and drinks is no longer permitted.
  • All surfaces will be disinfected before and after each class and facilities thoroughly cleaned regularly. 

*Unless a medical exemption is provided. Please email the office for more details.


  • As per current Mandates for Group 2 Industries, all Filmbites staff are proudly double vaccinated commencing of Term 1 2022 and to wear suitable, well fitted mask.


Please do NOT attend Filmbites if you have;

  • Fever, cold or gastrointestinal symptoms
  • returned from interstate or overseas in the last 14 days
  • been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days

As potential exposure sites are being updated regularly we ask that staff and students/guardians check the list before they attend classes and if they have been to an exposure NOT to attend the class.   Exposure sites can be checked here.

  • If a student is required to isolate at home, a ‘window’ into their class via Zoom will be available upon request.
  • If a class has to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances such as a statewide lockdown or venue closure it is Filmbites policy to reschedule, move, or add another class to make up for missed time. If this is impossible for any reason a refund for missed class will be charged pro-rata. 
  • We are also prepared to run remote classes should the need arise.

Your personal information is stored securely; we will never release your information without your consent, and recognise safeguarding your privacy is of utmost importance.

About Our Services

Screen Acting

Our Youth Screen acting classes are split into two categories; Junior and Senior. Junior Screen Acting covers all levels from Short Stuff(7&8) to Intermediate Level Preparation (11+) and enrollments are open to anyone. Senior Screen Acting covers all levels above Intermediate Year 1 as well as our Junior Professional’s class. These are more industry focused and all enrollments require a placement audition. 

Class Information


Filmbites has been teaching Filmmaking since founded in 2003. Students learn and collaborate on short projects starting with recreations of iconic scenes, writing and filming their own short scripts until they reach advanced level wherein they write, produce and film a mini series entirely on their own. 

Class Information


Filmbites’ 2D course may especially appeal to students with drawing skills however it is not essential. The only prerequisite is a desire to bring a story to life. Students create a short animation of their own design and story which screens at premiere night at the end of the year.

Class Information

Game Design

This super fun course is great for gamers (why just play them when you can make them?!), and will also provide a start into the world of gamification and future careers in the area.

Class Information

Other Services

Filmbites also offer other services other than our Term based courses.

– 1 on 1 coaching

– Audition Support

– Holiday Workshops

– School and Community Workshops

Have a Different Question?

Email us anytime

Or call — 9209 2689