Screen Acting ClassesShort Stuff
Ages 7-8, Thursdays 4-5pm
Term 1: Introduces skills in voice, movement, listening, observation, following instructions, imagination and improvisation.
Term 2: Revision and development of introductory skills and introduction to characters and story, and presenting to camera.
Terms 3 and 4: Students revise and practice understanding of story structure and characters, working towards a filmed music video, which showcases their newly learned skills. This will be shown on the big screen at Filmbites Premiere Night early in 2025.
Beginner Year 1
Ages 9-12, Thursdays 4:30-7pm
Term 1: Foundational skills in screen acting including imagination, improvisation, confidence, team work, listening, and communication.
Term 2: Students are introduced to the 3 P’s (people, place, problem) and use these to develop and explore scene ideas through improvisation.
Term 3 & 4: Introduces the 4 W’s – What, When, Where and Who as students develop their own story for filming in Term 4, which will be shown on the big screen at Premiere Night in early 2025.
Where Are We?
The Fremantle Chamber of Commerce
16 Phillimore St
Fremantle WA 6160