Game Design

Learn how to use GameMaker to create your own games.

This  ‘drag and drop’ style software is a fun and simple way to learn how to design a game, with a bit of coding as well.

Over the course of the term you’ll make at least 3 different types of games, plus create your own sprites (characters).

Enjoy designing the strategy of your own games, plus learn how to test games (important!). 

This super fun course is great for gamers (why just play them when you can make them?!), and will also provide a start into the world of gamification and future careers in the area.

Game Design class


4:30pm – 6:00pm, Ages 9-13

10 weeks

$270 / term

GameMaker Studio is the same software used to create Undertale

See other games made with GameMaker


WA’s funding body for screen, ScreenWest, announced in October 2020 that they acknowledge the significant growth trajectory of the gaming and interactive sector and therefore the need to nurture and gain further support for the growth and development of the sector. As such, they have amended their terms of trade to allow them to be able to fund this sector in the future, when additional funding is secured and they are able to fully establish and administer a games and interactive funding program.